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Caring for Children
Owned and managed by Department of Communities & Justice

Case planning and review

Case planning is about identifying the decisions and actions required to achieve stability and security for the child or young person in care. Wherever possible the child or young person, their family and their carer, as well as their caseworker, are all involved in the development of the Case Plan.

Case Plan reviews

Case Plan reviews ensure that placements continue to promote the safety, welfare and wellbeing of the child or young person. They are also an opportunity to reflect on how the placement is going for everyone.

Reviews look at the goals and objectives of the Case Plan, whether they’re still relevant and if they are on the way to being achieved. They also look at how the Case Plan will continue to meet the needs of the child or young person in the future, including any necessary changes or support arrangements.

Ideally, a Case Plan review meeting is held with you, the child or young person and all other relevant people involved with the child. However, sometimes this isn’t appropriate or possible. If a Case Plan review meeting isn’t held or you’re not invited to attend, you and the child or young person will still be consulted and the reason for this decision will be explained to you.