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Caring for Children
Owned and managed by Department of Communities & Justice

Arrangements for babysitting, sleepovers and camps

Babysitting and sleepovers

It’s your decision whether to use a babysitter occasionally or to let the child in your care sleep over at a friend’s house. It is very important you let your caseworker know if there is someone new living in your house (such as a boyfriend, girlfriend or family member), or if there is someone new having regular contact with your child (for example, if you have a new partner). It’s possible the new person will need to have a Working With Children Check (WWCC).

Working With Children Check is not required for someone who occasionally cares for your child, for example, a mum or dad from school who brings your child home with their own child for a play after school every now and then. Always use your judgment when making decisions about how safe and appropriate it is for your child to be babysat by a particular person or stay overnight in another home. Always provide the person who’s looking after your child with your contact details.

Regular or long-term child minding

You need your caseworker’s approval before allowing another person to look after the child or young person for more than one week (for example, if you’re planning to attend a family event interstate without the kids). You also need approval if an arrangement becomes regular (for example, every Wednesday evening when you go to netball). This applies whether the person looking after your child is a family member, friend or neighbour, or a professional service such as vacation care or a recreational camp.

Regular childcare or after-school care

Your caseworker’s prior approval is also required if you wish to enrol the child in regular childcare or after school care. As above, occasional child minding and babysitting does not require approval. Both Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) and non-government agencies will cover the cost of regular childcare that has been approved and included in the Case Plan.

School and vacation camps

School or vacation camps can offer children and young people a holiday break full of adventure and fun. Your caseworker’s prior approval is needed if the child or young person would like to attend camp for longer than one week. In considering your request, your caseworker will look at the child’s behaviour and consider if there are any issues or risks. Talk to your caseworker or agency about who would cover the costs of school and other types of camps.